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High school of Western languages

Saidakbarova Saodat копия копия Saidakbarova Saodat
Scientific degree and title: Docent. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Philological Sciences
Position: Director of high school
Reception hour: Daily (08:00-16:00)
Tel.: +998 91 164-16-14

High school of “Western languages”

The department has been restructured several times since its establishment in 1944. It was the faculty of Oriental Studies at CASU University. N.F. Solodovnikov and N.P. Kush were the department’s first teachers and pioneers of Oriental Studies. Later in 1977, Dr. Z.B. Sattarova coordinated the Department of English Languages. The department of Western European Languages was founded in 1991, shortly after the Oriental Languages faculty was disunited from the current Mirzo Ulugbek National University of Uzbekistan. In 1996, a group of department teachers were transferred to the Faculty of International Economics and Relations (then known as the Faculty of Regional Economics). “History and Philosophy” hosted the Department of Western European Languages. The departments of “History and Philosophy,” “Korean Studies,” “Chinese Studies,” and “Economy and Politics of Foreign Countries” all taught in English.

Since 2010, senior lecturer K.S. Rakhmanberdieva has led the department. On June 1, 2020 the department of Western Languages, formerly known as the department of Western European Languages, became part of the department of Turkic studies at TSUOS. Our department’s teaching team currently consists of 40 staff members: 2 Docent, 11 senior lecturers, 6 lecturers, and 21 assistant lecturers.

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    High School of Western languages scientific work of its researchers

Researcher Reasearch topic Scientific supervisor


Askarova Shakhnoza Kamoliddinovna. Linguistic features of the English translation of the Alpomish saga Doctor of Philosophy, Prof. D.S.Kulmamatov
2 Saidakbarova Saodat Parkhajanovna. Gender features of encoding and decoding in English and Uzbek communication

Doctor of Philosophy, Prof.



Abdullaeva Markhabo Rakhmonkulovna Problems of recreating Utkir Khashimov’s style in translation (in the analysis of the English translation of the work “Dunyoning ishlari”) Doctor of Philosophy, Prof.


4 Abidova Zilola Khabibullaevna

Semantic typology, mutual translation and lexicographic interpretation of mental verbs in English and Uzbek.

Doctor of Philosophy, Prof.



Jabbarova Zukhra Tursinalievna Representation of units representing national values in M. Reese’s translation of A. Kadiri’s novel “O’tkan Kunlar” “Bygone Days”

Doctor of Philosophy, prof.

S.A. Khashimova

6 Jalolova Iroda Makhmudovna

Ways of expressing the meaning of respect in Jane Austen’s works

Associate Professor Sh. Sadikova


Maksudova Dilshod Kakhramonovna

Representation of speech genres in translations and their interpretation (using the translations of Marx Orwell’s 1984 work as an example)

Doctor of Philosophy, Prof.



Komilova Dildora Shavkatovna.

Interpretation of speech etiquette in English and Uzbek literature.

Doctor of Science, Prof. D.S.Orayeva

9 Ergesheva Nazira Turalbaevna

Improving the bilingual education approach in teaching English

Doctor of Philosophy, Prof.



Khabibullaeva Makhliyo Erkinovna English translations of national terms in Uzbek historical novels

Doctor of Philosophy, Prof.



Nasretdinova Mukhlisa Nizametdinovna

“The phenomenon of ellipsis in the speech of Hemingway’s characters and the problems of their reproduction in translations.”


Bakhadirova Dildora Azodovna Problems of equivalence and adequacy in the translation of A. Navoi’s aphorisms

Prof. B. Tukhliev


Мирабдуллаева Зульфия Олимджоновна Comparative analysis of jokes in Uzbek and English (using the example of a family)

Prof. B. Tukhliev

Partner organizations of the department

  • Uzbek State University of World Languages
  • Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizomi (TSPU)
  • National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek.
  • University of Journalism and Mass Communications of Uzbekistan
  • TV channel “Dunyo bo’ylab”
  • National Television and Radio Broadcasting Company of Uzbekistan.
  • TV channel “Uzbekistan-24”
  • Union of Writers of Uzbekistan.
  • Magazine “Sharq yulduzi”.
  • Academic lyceum under Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies
  • Institute of Uzbek Language, Literature and Folklore of the Faculty of Arts of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Uzbek University of Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi.
  • British Council
  • Institute of Language Training NILE (Norwich, UK)

Photo reports on the activities of the department

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