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(Uzbek) Toshkent davlat sharqshunoslik universiteti tashkiliy tuzilmasi


Faculties and departments of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies

2022-2023 academic year


  Name of faculties and departments Full name deans and heads of departments
  Faculty of Eastern Philology and Translation Studies PhD Bultakov Ikrom Yusupovich
1. Arabic Philology DSc professor Shamusarov Sharustam Giyazovich
2. Iranian Afghan Philology DSc Mirzahmedova Hulkar Vasilovna
3. Languages of South and Southeast Asia DSc Muxibova Ulpatxon Uchkunovna
4. Urdu Language and Literature, Culture and History of Pakistan PhD Sharaxmetova Muxlisa Ansoritdinovna
5. Classical Philology and Literary Source Studies DSc., Alimuxamedov Rixsitilla Abdurashidovich
6. Translation Studies and International Journalism PhD  Xodjayeva Nilufar Bekmuradovna
7. Literature of Eastern Countries and Comparative Literature DSc  Muxiddinova Dilafruz Zoxriddinovna
8. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics DSc  Islamdjanova Xazifa
  Faculty of Eastern Civilization and History katta o‘qituvchi Qodirov Zikrillo Musaxonovich
9. History of Eastern Countries and Anthropology PhD Ikramov Shavkat
10. History of Central Asian Countries and Ethnology PhD Alimova Raxima Ruskulovna
11. Source Studies and Sufi Hermeneutics PhD Alimov Zukhriddin Isamutdinovich
12. Eastern Philosophy and Culture PhD Pulatova Dildor Akmalovna
13. Pedagogy and Psychology DSc Abdullayeva Shoira Xomidovna
  Faculty of Economics and Politics of the Eastern countries and Tourism i.f.n. Husanov Chori Qodirovich
14. Economy of Eastern Countries PhD Ermamatov Shonazar Jumakulovich
15. Politics of Eastern Countries and International Relations PhD Madaminova Durdona Iskandarovna
16. Foreign Economic Activity and Tourism PhD Kadirova Zulayxo Abduxalimovna
17. Mathematics and General Economic Disciplines DSc Kadirkulov Bakhtiyar Jalilovich
  Faculty of Chinese Studies katta o‘qituvchi Imomnazarov Qahramon
18. Chinese Philology PhD, dotsent Nazarova Sayyora Anvarovna
19. History, culture, politics, and economy of China Kazakbayev Xikmatilla
  Faculty of Korean Studies f.f.d., professor Usmonova Shoira Rustamovna
20. Korean Philology DSc Saydazimova Umida To‘raxonovna
21. History, culture, politics and economy of Korea PhD Niyazova Nargiza
  Faculty of Japanese Studies Matchonov Elyor
22. Japanese Philology PhD, dotsent Xolmurzayeva Nodira Toshmurzaevna
23. History, culture, politics and economy of Japan PhD Alimov Oqliddin Isamutdinovich
  Faculty of Turkology PhD Shabanov Djumali Kazimovich
24. Turkish Philology PhD Shabanov Djumali Kazimovich
25. History, culture, politics, and economy of the Turkish peoples Salaev Dilshod
26. Uzbek language and literature PhD Sadikova Shirin Baxtiyorovna
27. Western languages Raxmanberdiyeva Karima Saydanovna


22.09.2022, 14:57 31394