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1 Vokhidova Mehri Khasanovna
Scientific degree and title: Doctor of philosophy (PhD) in economics, associate professor
Position: Head of the department
Office hours: Monday-Friday ( 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.)
Tel.: +998 93 661 72 46
E-mail: mehri_voxidova

Department of “Foreign economic activity and tourism”

On the basis of the decision of the rector of TSUOS No. R-185 of September 11, 1994, the department “Economy of Foreign Eastern Countries” was established. According to the decision of the Council of the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies No. 1 on May 15, 2020, the department was renamed “External Economic Activity and Tourism”.

Department of undergraduate education

  • 61010400 – Tourism (with oriental languages according to activity directions)
  • 60411900 – World economy and international economic relations

Master’s specialties at the department

  • 70411902 – Foreign economic activity (foreign trade activity)
  • 71010401 – Tourism (by directions and types of activities)

Subjects taught at the department:

         Bachelor’s degree:

61010400 – Tourism (with Eastern languages according to the fields of activity) in the field of education – macroeconomics, microeconomics, world economy and international economic relations, basics of tourism, economics and geography of tourism, service services in tourism, business in tourism, marketing in tourism , management in tourism, tourism in foreign eastern countries, planning and forecasting in tourism, ethics of tourism, transport and logistics in tourism, innovative tourism, guiding in tourism, hotel management, management of events in tourism, technologies of organization of services of travel agencies and tour operators are taught.

60411900 – World economy and international economic relations in the field of education – macroeconomics, microeconomics, statistics, world economy and international economic relations, world economic geography, international currency-credit relations, foreign economic activity, global economy of Uzbekistan system and a number of elective subjects are taught.

In the Master’s degree:

70411902 – Foreign economic activity (foreign trade activity) in the specialty – Globalization and regional economic integration, features of geo-economics and national development , international trade, international business, international marketing, international tourism, international finance, balance of payments, investments in foreign eastern countries, foreign subjects such as foreign economic relations of Eastern countries, international labor market and migration, international taxation, international banking and insurance, free economic zones, features of scientific technology and innovation policy in the countries of the Far East, Islamic banking financial system are taught.

71010401 – Tourism (by directions and types of activity) specialization – models of national development of tourism, consumer behavior in tourism, international tourism economy, organization and management of events in tourism, advertising and PR in tourism, digital marketing, hotel management, business and taught subjects such as management strategy, standardization and certification in tourism, risk management in tourism, pricing in tourism.

Scientific direction of the department

With the effective use of the scientific and methodological potential of the department, scientific and practical conferences at the republican level are held every year. Some of them are:

Scientific-practical conference “Theoretical foundations and practical aspects of deepening the processes of liberalization in the national economy (foreign and Uzbekistan experience)”. April 20, 2018;

“Innovative factors of ensuring sustainable economic growth: experience, opportunities and prospects of foreign countries” republican scientific and practical conference April 20, 2019;

“Modern trends of the world economy” student conference. December 5, 2019;

Workshop on “Modern trends of trade and economic relations of foreign Eastern countries” with the participation of master’s students, doctoral students and professors, TSUOS February 21, 2020;

International scientific-practical conference on “Foreign economic activity in post-pandemic conditions: problems and solutions”. December 4, 2021;

International scientific-practical conference on the topic “Problems and prospects of the development of tourism in foreign countries in the conditions of digitalization”. December 20, 2023.

Partner organizations of the department

The team of the department has established cooperation relations with a number of state organizations of our republic, banks, foreign and local enterprises, travel agencies, related departments of higher educational institutions, scientific research centers and publishers in scientific, pedagogical, educational and practical directions. They are as follows:

Ministry, committee, scientific organizational centers:

  1. Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  2. Ministry of Cultural Monuments and Tourism of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  3. Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  4. Institute of Forecasting and Macroeconomic Research under the Cabinet of Ministers
  5. Research Center of Scientific Foundations and Problems of Economic Development of Uzbekistan under TDIU
  6. Republican scientific center of population employment and labor protection
  7. Social Research Center under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  8. “National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan”
  9. State Scientific Publishing House
  10. Educational center “Innovative education”.
  11. State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Higher educational institutions:

  1. National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek
  2. University of World Economy and Diplomacy
  3. Tashkent Financial Institute
  4. Bishkek State University of the Kyrgyz Republic
  5. Institute of International Economic Policy of the Republic of Korea

Economic organizations, banks, special regions:

  1. TIF Milly Bank
  2. Silk Road Bank
  3. “Travel Advisor” LLC
  4. “Winter holiday” LLC
  5. Lumier hotel
  6. “Asia Tashkent” hotel
  7. Hotel “Intercontinental”.
  8. JK “Seide International”
  9. Navoi Free Economic Zone
  10. City Palace Hotel
  11. Hotel Pro

International cooperation of the department

Department International Baltic Academy of Latvia, Jamia Millia Islamia University of India, Haci Beyrem Vali University of Turkey, Youngnam and Kyung Hee Universities of the Republic of Korea, Cornivus of Hungary, Helwan University of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Cefam of France, Kazan Federal University of Russia, Bishkek State University of the Kyrgyz Republic , has established scientific-pedagogical relations with Saint Islam University of Malaysia, and the professors of this university provide education in the subjects of the department.

Partner organizations of the department

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