The scientific event “Uzbekistan and Pakistan: the present and prospects of cooperation”
Currently, Pakistan is considered one of the countries with great potential, and due to its significant socio-political, socio-economic, cultural-humanitarian and human potential, favorable geopolitical location and balanced foreign policy, the country plays an important role in regional policy and in the resolution of topical international issues.
Necessary conditions are created to establish and strengthen effective communication between our countries. In particular, for nearly 75 years, qualified professors and teachers of the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies have been teaching special courses such as urdu language, urdu literature, urdu language lexicology, urdu language theory and urdu language history.
Today, within the framework of the events held on the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Uzbekistan and Pakistan, the scientific-educational event “Uzbekistan and Pakistan: the present and prospects of cooperation” and opening ceremony of the department “Urdu language, literature, history and culture of Pakistan“ have held at the University.
The deputy minister of Higher and secondary special education of the Republic of Uzbekistan Komiljon Karimov, the chairman of the international relations, foreign economic relations, foreign investment and tourism department of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan Alimov Ravshanbek Azadbekovich, the rector of TSUOS Rikhsieva Gulchehra Shavkatovna made a presentation. The advisor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, scientist, holder of the award “Dustlik” Kholmirzayev Toshmirza Kholmirzaevich continued with a lecture namely ”From the history of the teaching of urdu language in Uzbekistan. The creative performance of the students gave special atmosphere to the event.
Press secretary of TSUOS