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Faculty of Oriental Civilization and History

 w Kodirov Zikrillokhon Musoxonovich
Position: Dean of faculty
Reception times: Every working day (from 14:00- till 16:00)
Tel.: +99871 232-14-88

There are three Departments and two non-specialty Departments in the Faculty of Oriental Civilization and History at the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies. They are:

1) Department of “History and Anthropology of Eastern countries”

2) Department of “History and Ethnology of Central Asian Folks”

3) Department of “Oriental Philosophy and Culture”

4) Department of “Source study and hermeneutics of mysticism”

5) Department of “Pedagogy and Psychology”

Nowadays 57 teachers and professors are working as main stuff at the faculty. Of them: 11 doctors of sciences and professors; 22 candidates of sciences (PhD) and docents; 24 senior lecturers and teachers:

The scientific potential of the faculty is 57,9%.


We are preparing specialists on bachelor and master’s levels at the Faculty of Oriental Civilization and History in the following areas and specialties:

Undergraduate majors (full-time education):

60220300 – History (Eastern countries and regions) – 4 years;

60220300 – History (Central Asian countries) – 4 years;

60220500 – Philosophy (Oriental philosophy and culture) – 4 years;

60230500 – Antropology and etnology – 4 years.

Undergraduate majors (evening education):

60220300 – History (Eastern countries and regions) – 4.5 years;

60220300 – History (Central Asian countries) – 4.5 years;

60220500 – Philosophy (Oriental philosophy and culture) – 4.5 years;


Master’s specialties:

70220301 – History (by directions and types of activity) – 2 years;

70220303 – Historiography, Source Studies and methods of Historical Research (by History of Central Asia) – 2 years;

70220502 – Oriental philosophy and culture – 2 years;

70230501 – Ethnography, ethnology and anthropology – 2 years

70220503 – Hermeneutics of mysticism – 2 years

The total number of students in the faculty is 879.

Of them:

461 undergraduate students are in the form of full-time education, 169 undergraduate students are in the form of evening education, 179 undergraduate students are in the form of extramural studies, 70 students are on Master’s degree.

Foreign languages studied in all specialties of the faculty are:

Oriental languages: Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Pashto, Dari, Hindi, Urdu, Chinese

Western languages: English, German


International relations of faculty

In Russian Federation: Moscow State University, Institute of Asia and Africa at the Moscow State University, Institute of Manuscripts in St. Petersburg, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, University of Finance under the Government of the Russian Federation, The State Hermitage.

China: Northwest University, Pedagogical University in Shaanxi, Lanzhou University.

Turkey: University of Ankara, Istanbul University, University of  Hacettepe, University of Ederne, TIKA.

The Netherlands: University of Leiden.


Scientific activity and doctoral studies


Nowadays, more than 15 doctoral scholars and independent researchers are conducting research for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the following specialties in the field of history and philosophy:

07.00.03 – World History

07.00.08 – Historiography, source studies and methods of historical research

09.00.03 – History of Philosophy

07.00.05 – International relations and history of foreign policy

07.00.07 – Ethnology, ethnography and anthropology

     Currently we have corporate partnerships with the following organizations:

Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Rayhon Beruni, Institute of History of the Republic of Uzbekistan, The State Museum of Temurid’s History, The State Museum of History of Uzbekistan, Committee on Interethnic Relations and Friendship with Foreign Countries under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Public education departments of Tashkent province and Tashkent city, Public education department of Mirabad district.


         Graduates of the faculty are working in the following organizations:

  • Institute for Strategic and Interregional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Committee on International Relations and Friendship with Foreign Countries under the Cabinet of Ministers
  • Embassies of Uzbekistan abroad
  • Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Scientific Research Institutes of the Academy of Sciences
  • State Committee for Tourism Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Political parties of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Higher education institutions
  • Museums of the Academy of Sciences
  • Translation offices
  • Publishers
  • Joint ventures
  • Youth Union of Uzbekistan
  • The Academy of Mamun in Khorezm


Spiritual and educational work

Clubs and scientific circles operating at the faculty are:

“The Young historian-orientalists”

“The Young historians”

“The Young philosophers”


The followings were organized by 5 initiatives and to spend student’s free time meaningfully at the faculty:

The League of “ZAKOVAT”

The studio of “Student Theater”

Cup of Dean about sport competitions


The Material and technical base of faculty

Educational building: 20 Amir Temur Street, Tashkent.

The number of classrooms is 45.

Computer classes are 4. The number of auditoriums equipped with a multimedia complex is 37.

The Students House: Tashkent, District of Mirzo Ulugbek, Ziyolilar Street 33.

In the building of faculty is located “The main information and resource center” (IRC) of university, which has about 15,000 titles of textbooks. In the new IRC provides modern opportunities to work with information resources. The full-text electronic form of educational, teaching and scientific literature is developed on the basis of scanning and input into the software. Remote access is also available in IRC for the students of faculty.

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