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International scientific-practical conference in the field of Korean studies at TSUOS


On April 4, 2022, an international scientific and practical conference on the topic “Uzbekistan-Korea: today and prospects of mutual cooperation” was held at Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies.

Local higher educational institutions of the republic, branches of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Korea in Tashkent, and scientists and researchers working abroad took part in the conference. In the opening part of the conference, Rector of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies – Gulchekhra Rikhsieva, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to Uzbekistan – Kim Hee-Sang, Chairman of the Committee on International Relations, Foreign Economic Relations, Foreign Investments and Tourism of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan – Ravshanbek Alimov, Director of the Educational Center of the Republic of Korea in Tashkent – Pang Chu Man warmly congratulated the country on the 30th anniversary of friendly relations.

Prospective plans for the development of Korean studies in Uzbekistan were discussed during the conference, with particular attention paid to the research work of orientalists in the field of Korean studies.

At the end of the conference, decisions were made regarding scientific and practical recommendations and proposals for further development of scientific activity in the field of education in Uzbekistan and Korea. At the end of the conference, all participants were given a conference package and certificates of participation in the conference with their lectures.

“Korean Week” dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Uzbek-Korea diplomatic relations and the Department of Korean Philology at Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies is planned to be held on April 4-8 of this year.

During this week, events such as “Obeisance to Parents”, “Young Korean Scholars at the Threshold of Science and Creativity” international student forum, and Presentation of media products (textbook, training manuals) prepared by professors-teachers of the “Korean Philology” department based on modern conditions, “Presentation of the translation book of Muhammad Yusuf’s poems into Korean” were held.


21.08.2023, 21:31 1068