The Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education announces an online video competition “Our Favorite Writer” among students.

The competition will be held in two stages.
Phase 1: At the higher education institution level
Stage 2: Among the winners of all universities in the country
Requirements for videos submitted for the competition:
– on the topic “Our Favorite Writer”;
– short art or documentary film;
– Duration from 2 to 3 minutes;
– MPEG-4 format;
-resolution 720p (1280×720) or 480p (854×480);
– up to 40 megabytes
Videos submitted to the competition will be judged according to the following criteria:
– The content of the video must be fully explained in the video;
– video editing quality;
– disclosure of the writer’s abilities
– the expression of the peculiar creative features of the authors in the creation of the video is a matter of meeting the plagiarism of the work.
The winners will be awarded with valuable and cash prizes:
1st place: 2 million soums
2nd place: 1.5 million soums
3rd place: 1 million soums
Students wishing to take part in the 1st stage of the competition are asked to submit a video that meets the above criteria to the working group of the competition (@ilhomislamov) by May 20