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Alley of writers


  On May 20, 2020, during the visit of our President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Alley of Writers complex, built in the National Park of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi, studying and promoting the works of writers who have taken a worthy place in the history of the nation’s literature, with today’s digital technologies put forward the idea of   transferring the task of instilling armed youth into the minds of higher educational institutions.

      The team of our Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies is invited to study the life and creative ways of the most extensive and prolific creator of classical literature, poet, historian, translator, statesman, connoisseur of Arabic, Persian, and Turkish languages, His Holiness Ogahi, and his manuscript works. the task of researching and inculcating immortal ideas in the minds of young people was set.

In this regard, an action plan was developed with classical literature scholars and specialists of our university to open the “Ogahi Studies Center” to study the activities and scientific-creative heritage of Hazrat Ogahi and to organize its work in four main directions.


The first direction is the work related to the life path of Hazrat Ogahi, the process of scientific research of his written heritage.

We found it necessary to take the first step in this direction by preparing and publishing an expanded descriptive catalog of the manuscripts of Ogahi’s works kept in the fund of the Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Rayhan Beruni of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Later, we plan to continue the work related to Ogahi’s manuscripts and to study the rarest manuscripts of Ogahi’s works stored in the world’s funds, as well as to carry out a scientific project related to obtaining copies and printing them.

It is also determined to create a database of new scientific topics on the analysis and translation of the manuscripts of Ogahi’s works, to conduct research on master’s and doctoral dissertations, graduation qualification works, and to create an electronic database of scientific research works created on the works of Hazrat Ogahi. we got

In the next major direction, we will pay attention to the work related to the application of Ogahi’s creativity and written heritage to the educational process.


In this regard, for students studying in the “Classical Philology” and “Literary source studies and textual studies” of the university, in the framework of the “History of Uzbek literature” subject, in-depth teaching of Ogahi’s work, organization of special courses, analysis of the linguistic features of Ogahi’s works, Ogahi’s works and to create and publish translations of examples of poetry into various eastern languages, to establish educational and scientific cooperation with the school of creativity named after Ogahi in Khorezm, to organize independent home studies for our students on the scientific heritage of the older generation of Ogahi scholars. , we determined the tasks of introducing the Ogahiy scholarship for our knowledgeable students.

The third important direction is propaganda related to the enlightenment and spirituality of Hazrat Ogahi.

In this direction, the organization of the “Ogahiyshunoslik” center, which is planned to be opened at the university, will organize literary seminars, educational evenings, roundtable discussions, meetings dedicated to the life and work of the writer, video on the official website of the university and social networks with scientists and researchers engaged in the work of Ogahiy. holding dialogues, discussions, conducting various creative works among students in the field of knowledge creation – essays, the best translation, research, presentation, brochure contests and encouraging the winners, organizing students’ visits to the Avenue of Writers and We have also agreed to organize events under the poet’s statue and to establish a museum named after Ogahi in our university.In addition, on the occasion of the author’s birthday, a traditional republican scientific-practical conference is organized on December 17 on the theme “Agahi’s life and work – a model for youth education”.

The fourth major area of   focus for Hazrat Ogahi is media, TV and electronic platforms .

To open a special column on Ogahi’s heritage and creativity in our university’s “Nur Sharqdan” telegram channel dedicated to reading, to publish regular articles on Ogahi’s life, activities and heritage in the mass media, and to prepare TV series and documentaries, Tasks such as sharing the wisdom of the ideas of humanitarianism and science promotion put forward in Ogahi’s works in the form of demotivators on social networks are set. The work in the fourth direction, which we have mentioned, will be continued as a practical response of our university team to the proposal of the President to establish an internet portal called “Alley of Writers” during his visit to the avenue.

19.01.2023, 04:26 10094