Ankara-Gazi-Oriental Studies University collaborates

On June 15, the Department of Turkish Languages of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies organized a webinar with partner universities in Turkey on “The importance of modern methods in language teaching.” At the webinar, Fatma Achik, Professor of Gazi University, Doctor of Philology, spoke on “Methods and Strategies Used by Teachers in Foreign Language Teaching”. Professor of Ankara University, Doctor of Philology Aynur Oz Uzcan made a speech in Uzbek on “Methods of teaching the Uzbek language in Turkey”.
The report was opened by the vice-rector of TSUOS E. Makhmudov. At the end of the webinar, the speakers were asked a series of questions from the audience.
The webinar provided an opportunity for foreign language professors to exchange scientific and practical experience. In the future, such webinars will continue in university departments. The webinar ended with a speech of gratitude to the speakers by the rector of Tashkent State University G.Sh. Rixsiyeva.