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Ilmiy faoliyat e’lonlari

16.08.2022, 10:37

Abdullaeva Dilafruz Suratillayvna the dissertation prepared by specialty 10.00.06 – Comparative Study of Literature, Comparative Linguistics and Translation Studies on the topic: “Artistic psychologism in modern Arabic and Uzbek stories (on the examples of the stories of Ghada Al-Samman and Zulfiya Kurolbay qizi)” to obtain the degree of Philosophy (PhD) Philological Sciences. The defense will tak...

The defense of a doctoral dissertation (PhD) on political science of Pulatkhodjayev Ziyodulla Sagdullayevich
07.12.2021, 16:48

Pulatkhodjayev Ziyodulla Sagdullayevich  the dissertation prepared by specialty 23.00.04 – International relations, political problems of world and regional development studies on the topic: “Processes of formation of the international subregional system in Central Asia” to obtain the degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD) in Political Science.  The defense will take place: on D...

02.11.2021, 17:14

Buranova Barno Menglibayevna the dissertation prepared by specialty 10.00.06 – Comparative study of Literature, Comparative Linguistics and Translation studies on the topic: “Principles of preserving historical and national color in literary translation (based on the translation into Turkmen of the novel “Starry nights”)” to obtain the degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences....

Sharaxmetova Mukhlisa Ansaritdinovna. The degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences.
01.07.2021, 13:46

Sharaxmetova Mukhlisa Ansaritdinovna the dissertation prepared by specialty 10.00.06 – Comparative literary criticism, contrastive linguistics and translation studies on the topic: “Reflection of the lexical and semantic features of the author’s style in the translation of “Babur-name” in Urdu” to obtain the degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences. The defense will take...

Hasanova Feruza Mirzabekovna. The degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences.
01.07.2021, 13:40

Hasanova Feruza Mirzabekovna the dissertation prepared by specialty 10.00.05 – Language and literature of Asian and African peoples on the topic: “Lexical-semantic and grammatical features of the Chinese-Baihua language” to obtain the degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences. The defense will take place: 2021, July 8 at 11 a.m...

Kasimova Zilola Gulomiddin qizi (PHD)
16.05.2021, 10:39

Kasimova Zilola Gulomiddin qizi 23.00.04 – Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science (PhD) in International Relations, Political Problems of World and Regional Development “Processes of forming a positive image of the state on the basis of cultural diplomacy (on the example of Japan and China”) The defense of the dissertation for the degree will be held on May 20, 2021 at 1600...

07.04.2021, 21:20

Tulagonova Shakhnoza Abdumajidovna the dissertation prepared by specialty 10.00.05 – National languages and literature of Asia and Africa on the topic: «Stereotypic units in ancient turkic scripts: semantic and stylistic approachs» to obtain the degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences. The defense will take place: 2021, April 9 at 1 p.m...