The Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education announces an online video competition “Our Favorite Writer” among students.
16.05.2021, 10:59
The competition will be held in two stages.
Phase 1: At the higher education institution level
Stage 2: Among the winners of all universities in the country
Requirements for videos submitted for the competition:
– on the topic “Our Favorite Writer”;
– short art or documentary film;
– Duration from 2 to 3 minutes;
– MPEG-4 format;
-resolution 720p (1...
(Uzbek) YUNESKO xalqaro mukofoti e’lon qilinadi
29.05.2020, 11:26
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(Uzbek) “Innovatsion va startap” loyihalari tanlovi
28.05.2020, 12:58
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Hamsa intellectual game
04.03.2020, 13:36
Friends, how about getting together and ask each other questions on interesting and wonderful topics? Do you agree? In that case, welcome to the “Navruz Cup 2020” among students in the Uzbek language for the FIRST TIME “Khamsa” Intellectual National Game! To participate in the tournament, you can send your application to the following address: @xamsa_uz_bot You can also contact us at...
(Uzbek) Tourism challenge (Turizm chorlovi) tanlovi
13.02.2019, 18:11
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The Best Teacher Contest
10.04.2018, 17:42
With the aim of development of creative initiative and innovation, the spreading of advanced educational experience and enhance the prestige of educational work, spreading of innovative educational experience of the best teachers and keeping the traditions of teaching at University according to the decree № 266 of the Ministry of higher and secondary-specialized education of the Republic of Uz...
(Uzbek) Ilmiy tadqiqot loyihalariga e’lon
04.08.2016, 12:36
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