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Evening and extramural department

654 Битураев Уктамжон Базарбаевич
Scientific degree and title: Head teacher
Post: Head of the Department
Reception hour: Every day (14:00-16:00)
Tel: +998901271539

The correspondence form of study at the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies was formed on the basis of The Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of The Republic of Uzbekistan № 930 dated November 21, 2017 ” On approval of the regulations on organization in the higher educational institution correspondence and evening shifts”. Correspondence courses at the university are carried out in the following forms: correspondence form and correspondence form of second and subsequent higher education.

The correspondence form in its activities operates on the basis of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on Education”, the National Program for Personnel Training, resolutions of the Oliy Majlis, Decrees, orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers. Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, decrees of the Rector of the University and the Regulations of the Department.

The main objectives of the correspondence form are:

  • development of programs for the development of distance study;
  • conclusion of contracts with employers for the organization of internships for students;
  • provision the introduction of new learning technologies and monitoring student progress;
  • coordination and approval of the themes of the students’ graduation work;
  • take measures to improve the efficiency of teaching and educational work with students;
  • organization of measures for labor protection, technical and fire safety, compliance by employees of the department with internal regulations and labor discipline;
  • planning, organization and coordination of educational, methodological, scientific work of professors and teachers who provide the educational process;
  • protection and implementation of the interests of distance learning at meetings of the University Council , administration, faculties and departments;
  • the distribution of professors and teachers who provide the educational process in correspondence courses, to guide the course and graduation work of students;
  • Provision the interaction of correspondence education with other structures of a higher educational institution, etc.

The educational process at the correspondence department. 

At the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies in the 2018-2019 academic year, a form of correspondence courses was introduced. In the correspondence department, the head of the department and his assistant carry out their activities.   

As at 01.11.2021, in the correspondence department of the university studied 409 students. Of these, 160 students in the 2nd year, 157 students in the 3rd year, 92 students in the 4th year.

Also, in the 2021-2022 academic year, 123 applicants were recommended for the 2nd higher education in 3 areas of study.

In the 2021-2022 academic year, the total number of academic groups of correspondence courses at TSUOS is 18, of which 14 courses is holding in the Uzbek language, and 4 in Russian.

In the 2021-2022 academic year the correspondence department trains personnel in the following areas of study:

No. Subject
cipher name
1 5120500 Philosophy (oriental philosophy and culture)
2 5210300 Political science
3 5120300 History (by country and region)
4 5120700 World politics (by region)
5 5231000 Economy of foreign countries and regional studies (by countries and regions)

Since the 2021/2022 academic year the admission of applicants to the correspondence course has been suspended.  

Curriculum for the 2021/2022 academic year:

Training Schedule (2021/22)  

List of subjects taught in the 2021/2022 academic year:

2 course

3 course

4 course

06.09.2023, 18:53 15766