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The event named “Prevention of HIV infection” at TSUOS

23.12.2021, 15:54 News 2133

The event named “Prevention of HIV infection” was organized by the department of “Western languages” TSUOS.  The head of the department of the Institute of Virology, senior researcher, Doctor of Medical Sciences Bayjanov Allabergan Kadirovich attended to the event. A lot of interesting questions related to the topic were asked.

Different videos related to the theme were presented for the participants of the event. The crossword “Health” in English were distributed to the participants and they answered to the question in English as well. In the second part of the event, there were musical performances with the participation of students who study at the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan. At the end of the event, the results of the students who participated in the essay competition on “The Era of COVID-19. Problems and solutions were announced and they were awarded according to their participation.

The professors and teachers of the Department of Western Languages Khodjahanov Muzaffar, Nurmatov Yorkin and Ibratov Bakhrombek took an active part in organizing the event. Khodjahanov Muzaffar and Nurmatov Yorqin conducted the event in both English and Uzbek languages.


Press secretary of TSUOS