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Scientific activities of the university

Scientific activities of the university

Tashkent State university of Oriental Studies works on improving of research work in sphere of orientalism with a glance of modern requirements. Scientific activity at the institute realizes with active work of specialized departments, research groups, research projects, institute of doctoral studies and publication of scientific editions.

TSUOS sets as an object to train competitive, high qualified personnel, which meet modern requirements; to make fundamental and practical researches, proceeding from priority needs of the national economy, which is important factor in social, political, economical and cultural development, strengthening of supremacy of law, economical reforms, the policy of expansion of economical and cultural relations with foreign countries.

The main directions of the university in scientific-research activity:

  • Linguistics (Oriental languages)
  • Literature and literary criticism of the countries of the Far East
  • Literary source study and textology
  • Theory and practice of translation
  • Classical Philology
  • History of foreign countries of the East
  • History of Central Asia
  • Historical source study and methods of historical research
  • Economy of Eastern countries, economic relations
  • Political processes of the countries of the East, international relations
  • International systems and problems of world development


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