An online conference of young Korean scholars

On April 13, 2020, the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies hosted an online scientific conference of Korean students on “Young Korean Studies: on the threshold of science and creativity.”
The conference was organized online on the Zoom platform and was attended not only by master’s and bachelor’s students of the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies, but also by leading professors and researchers in the field of Korean studies. Representatives of other higher education institutions of the republic studying Korean language and literature also took part in the conference.
N.Abdullaev, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies, spoke at the opening ceremony of the online event. He noted that such scientific conferences will serve as a unique school for students to carry out future major research work.
During the conference, students gave scientific lectures on Korean language and literature, Korean language teaching methods, as well as Korean history and culture.
In addition, the conference organizers have prepared an electronic scientific collection, which includes scientific articles of students that may attract the attention of Korean scholars. They focus on Korean language and literature, language teaching, Korean politics, history, and translation studies.
Leading professors and teachers of the Faculty of Korean Studies of the Institute, who organized the student scientific conference and participated in it as an expert in the field, Ph.D., Assoc. U.Saidazimova, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Assoc. Professor. N.D.Kim, Ph.D. TSKim, K.Imomnazarov, N.Ismatullaeva, D.Ashirbaeva, G.Kobilova, L.Alimova made a scientific analysis of the views expressed by young scientists and gave their conclusions and recommendations.
Students who presented their papers at the conference were awarded certificates by the Faculty of Korean Studies of the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies.