The manual of TSUOS scientist was granted a patent in FRG

On December 2021, the patent was assigned to the manual “Chinese Language” (Part 2, initial course) by Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Chinese Philology of TSUOS Hashimova Sabohat Abdullaevna in the Federal Republic of Germany.
The manual is intended to the students for the following directions of the Bachelor degree: 60220300 – History (People’s Republic of China), 60411800 – Economics of foreign countries and regional studies (People’s Republic of China). This book is a logical extension of the textbook “Chinese language” (Part 1) (TSIOS, 2017).
The textbook “Chinese language” (Part 2) for the initial course consists of twenty lessons. Each lesson includes dialogues, new words, grammar explanations and exercises. The reading of hieroglyphs is represented by the pinyin reading method adopted in China and in all developed countries. In addition, pinyin is provided with Chinese phonetic symbols. This will, of course, help students to assimilate vocabulary on relevant topics. Each lesson is followed by a series of exercises to consolidate words and phrases on the topic.
It should be noted, that currently there is a limited literature in the Uzbek language, and it is expected that the book will help Uzbek-speaking students further enrich and develop their knowledge of the Chinese language.
Press secretary of TSUOS