Ilmiy faoliyat e’lonlari
07.04.2021, 21:15
Nazirova Shukriya Miadovna will defend her dissertation for the PHD degree We would like to inform you that the defense of the dissertation, PhD in 10.00.05 prepared by Nazirova Shukriya Miadovna on the topic “Women’s Literature in China: Factors of Formation and Stages of Development (XX-XXI Centuries)” – Asian and African languages and literature submitted for...
Djurayeva Feruza Shukurovna will defend her dissertation for the degree of PHD
07.04.2021, 21:08
Djurayeva Feruza Shukurovna the dissertation prepared by specialty 10.00.05 – National languages and literature of Asia and Africa on the topic: “Poetics of early medieval Arabic khitabas” to obtain the degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences. The defense will take place: 2021, April at 10 a.m....
13.06.2020, 11:17
TASHKENT STATE UNIVERSITY OF EASTERN STUDIES URGENCH STATE UNIVERSITY in collaboration with In order to attract young people to scientific work, to form a system of staffing for research and innovation DOCTORAL STUDENT OF URGENCH STATE UNIVERSITY, PARTICIPANT IN MORE THAN 20 FOREIGN GRANT PROJECTS photo_2020-06-13_11-19-5895 OLIMJON SAIDMAMATOV in the presence of “HOW TO GET FOREIGN STUDY...
(Uzbek) Onlayn seminar
05.06.2020, 10:52
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Acceptance of articles for the IV Forum of Young Orientalists named after Shoislom Shomuhamedov has begun.
14.04.2020, 22:54
Acceptance of articles for the IV Forum of Young Orientalists named after Shoislom Shomuhamedov has begun. The forum will be held online on April 27, 2020 at 11:00 on the Zoom platform. The forum is open to all undergraduate and graduate students with their research papers. Articles will be accepted electronically in @ tsiosforum2020 Telegram group in Uzbek, Russian and...
Online conference of young translators
14.04.2020, 22:47
The annual traditional scientific-practical conference of masters of “Comparative Linguistics, Linguistic Translation” and students of “Theory and Practice of Translation” dedicated to the 29th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan,the main conference is held remotely. The purpose of the conference is the history of translation studies,...
Student scientific online conference
14.04.2020, 18:56
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Scientific-practical conference
12.04.2020, 13:04
The Youth Union of Uzbekistan and the team of are organizing a scientific-practical conference among students and masters. To participate in the distance conference, scientific theses in your field in the form of articles or videos will be sent to by April 30. Proceeds from the conference will be donated to the Mercy and Health Public Foundation. For more...
(Uzbek) Pandemiya sharoitida aholini ijtimoiy-siyosiy va iqtisodiy himoyalash
10.04.2020, 22:58
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08.04.2020, 12:10
MINISTRY OF HIGHER AND SECONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAaN TASHKENT STATE INSTITUTE OF ORIENTAL STUDIES INFORMATION LETTER In accordance with the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No 56 –F, dated February 7, 2020, Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies on 28 April, in 2020 will be held a national online conference on “Current issues o...