The new ways of learning…
On December 7, 2019 1st year students of Korean philology of the faculty of Korean studies of the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies held a lesson under the supervision of a doctor of philological sciences, acting professor. Kim N.D. A mini-conference on the topic “Traditions and Customs of Koreans”. In fact, it was an imitation of a student conference, where usually most senior students make scientific reports. Holding such an event in the 1st year was not accidental: a lecture on the discipline turned into a lesson full of additional materials and information on the topic. Besides students were given the opportunity to act as a lecturer, overcoming fear and excitement in front of an audience. Despite the familiar theme of the mini-conference, students studied additional sources and sometimes even provided materials, which were not studied before. Group of student speakers (Tillyabaeva R., Shek D., Alisherova M., Butayarova M., Abduvalieva M., Ablaeva L., Aydarani L., Ravshanova S., Ismailov Sh., Valieva R., Shinkorenko A., Abdulakhatov A., Rustamov U., Bakhtiyorov M.), using technical teaching aids, managed to interest other students and at the end of the speeches numerous questions were asked. Imitation methods, in this case, imitation of a “scientific conference” makes it possible to intensify student learning and pay more attention to the process of self-education and self-control.