Professors and teachers of the department “Pedagogy and Psychology”, conducted master classes at the secondary schools of Tashkent.
The department of “Pedagogy and psychology” of the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies in order to improve the quality of educational processes in the system of general secondary education began conducting master classes of university teachers. It was targeted to be as a methodological assistance to secondary schools. On September 25, the teacher of the department T. Sattarov held master-class on “Methods of psychological adaptation in the modern educational process”, at secondary school № 240 of Yunus Abad district. This lesson also provided interesting information about new pedagogical technologies and stimulated the creative potential of teachers. On September 30, the associate professor A. Shayusupova at a secondary school № 119 of Almazar district held a training seminar “Pedagogical techniques used by teachers in the classroom.” In the seminar were presented the results of a new study on the impact of teacher-student relationships on the effectiveness of the lesson, as well as data from international experience. Furthermore, teachers were given practical recommendations for improving the system of “teacher and student” relations. In addition, on October 3 A. Shayusupova and senior lecturers of the department S. Kamalova and R. Xaydarova have conducted workshop at school № 84 in the Shayxantahur district. There was a conversation with the pedagogical staff of the school on the problems of “Pedagogical psychology of youth period”, on the topic “Effective use of pedagogical technologies in the educational process”. During the conversation, the teachers actively participated and received answers to their questions. On October 5, the teacher D.R. Turaeva conducted master class on “Psychology of Learning Management” with the teaching staff of secondary school № 175 of the Mirabad region. Teachers were given practical advice on how to manage students’ learning activities in the classroom and beyond the class. School teachers received answers to their questions. The school administration and teaching staff expressed gratitude for the interesting trainings.