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The student of our university won the second place in the SCO competition

30.06.2020, 19:39 2201

As part of the celebration of the 19th anniversary of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the SCO Center for Public Diplomacy in Uzbekistan in cooperation with the Committee on International Relations held an essay contest among university students on “People’s diplomacy – the path to peace on the planet.” Competition for students of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, Uzbek State University of World Languages, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies and other institutions of the republic. The essence of people’s diplomacy and improving mutually beneficial cooperation between peoples, as well as culture and traditions of the SCO , created a unique opportunity to learn more about religion and lifestyle more deeply.

The main purpose of the event is to show the skills of the participants, to support independent and free thinking, including creativity and to identify talented, capable representatives of the youth of the republic, in general, to identify the creative person and develop the social activity of the younger generation.

The award ceremony was held on Youth Day, which is celebrated annually in Uzbekistan on June 30. Jamshid Aramov, a student of the Faculty of Economics, Politics and Tourism of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, won the second place.

Kobiljon Sobirov, head of the SCO Center for People’s Diplomacy in Uzbekistan, thanked the participants. The main purpose of the competition is to encourage

talented young people to work creatively, to increase their interest in the culture, history, traditions and values of the SCO member states, as well as to understand the essence of people’s diplomacy, good neighborliness, interethnic harmony and inter-civilizational development.

Zuhriddin Isomiddinov, Chairman of the Jury, Head of the Creative Group of the Center, Candidate of Philological Sciences, noted that all the works received were carefully considered and submitted for the best. The essays were selected on the basis of originality, artistic skill and subject matter.

According to Professor Etibor Sultanova, a member of the jury and Doctor of Political Science at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, public diplomacy is primarily about contributing to the improvement of relations, informal contacts of ordinary people or public organizations, mutually beneficial cooperation and better understanding of the culture, traditions and life of citizens of different countries. It can be said that any citizen of Uzbekistan participating in various international forums, symposiums, conferences, congresses, especially informally discusses current issues of modern life with representatives of other countries, will become an unofficial messenger of our civil society and a representative of our country in the international arena.

It is known that people’s diplomacy within the SCO can serve as a good basis for understanding the mentality of the world, contributing to the further strengthening of good neighborliness, friendship and cooperation. There is no doubt that cooperation in the development of intercultural dialogue, preservation and promotion of cultural diversity, the study of different cultures and natural heritages in the interests of the people living in the SCO space will serve to develop  further people-to-people contacts.

In this regard, the SCO Center for People’s Diplomacy will continue to work consistently to use the tools of public diplomacy to bring the SCO states and peoples closer, strengthen the “Shanghai spirit” and promote mutual trust and good neighborliness.