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(Uzbek) Xitoy tili va adabiyoti kafedrasi professor-o‘qituvchilar uchun o‘tkaziladigan 9-chi o‘quv-metodik seminar
30.12.2019, 18:09

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Visit to Erkin Vohidov School of Creativity
30.12.2019, 18:00

On December 9, a group of teachers,  professors – orientalists, and Navoi scholars, led by the member of the Senate of Oliy Majlis and the Rector of Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies Gulchehra Rikhsiyeva, visited the Erkin Vokhidov School of Creativity.During the visit, professors and teachers of the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies conducted master classes as experts...

(Uzbek) ToshDSHI talabalarining rektor bilan navbatdagi ochiq muloqoti
30.12.2019, 17:26

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(Uzbek) “Darslik va o‘quv qo‘llanmalarni shakllantirishda matn tanlash” mavzusida mahorat darsi
30.12.2019, 17:21

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(Uzbek) Temuriylar tarixi davlat muzeyida sayyor dars mashg’uloti
30.12.2019, 17:16

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(Uzbek) Irbis programmasida ishlash bo’yicha seminar-trening
30.12.2019, 17:12

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