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REPORT on the work carried out by Management Department Compliance control systems on combating corruption at Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies during 2022

Preventive measures and roundtable discussions on preventing and fighting corruption were held among university employees, professors, and students based on the action plan of Management Department Compliance control systems on combating corruption at Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies. Including:

4 roundtable discussions;

1 seminar-training;

12 meetings were organized.

2170 students and 95 professors of the university took part in these events.

Monitoring of the work carried out on placement of students in student residences was carried out in cooperation with the vice-rector of the university for youth issues and spiritual and educational affairs.

In order to prevent conflicts of interest and corruption offenses, the department is constantly monitoring the orders and other regulatory documents adopted by the university.

Also, a hotline, @tsuosanticorruptionbot, has been established by the department for receiving and reviewing appeals for university professors, employees, and students to report corruption cases.

The staff of the Department of Quality Control of Education and Management Department Compliance control systems on combating corruption of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies are carrying out questionnaires for students at the end of the winter semester.

A system of collegial discussion of survey results has been established.

According to it, the implementation of the necessary measures to eliminate the identified negative situations is determined.

In paragraph 3 of the plan of comprehensive measures on providing legal education to young people in the field of fighting corruption, which is specified in paragraph 43 of the State Program on Combating Corruption for 2021-2022 at Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, “In educational institutions, The following activities were carried out in connection with the organization of the 10-day “Youth against corruption” event:

A photo competition was organized among university professors, employees, and students in order to popularize the hashtag #WEAREAGAINSTCORRUPTION on social networks.

In connection with the International Anti-Corruption Day of December 9, 2022, a video competition was organized at the university. Students participated in it with video clips depicting the negative consequences of corruption.

More than 100 students from all faculties participated in these competitions. The contest was evaluated by the members of the organizing committee and experts, and diplomas and souvenirs were ceremoniously presented to the young people who participated in the contests and won the proud 1-2-3 places.

Open classes on the topic “Corruption is an obstacle to our development” were organized by the employees of Management Department Compliance control systems on combating corruption of the university to fight against corruption.

Open classes on the topic “Corruption is an obstacle to our development” were organized by the employees of Management Department Compliance control systems on combating corruption of the university.

On December 9, 2022, a roundtable discussion was organized on the topic “Corruption is an obstacle to our development”.

At the event, Sh.Joldasova – the head of the department of the Institute of Legislative Problems and Parliamentary Research under the Oliy Majlis, Doctor of Philosophy in Law Sciences, R.Shakurov – Associate Professor of the Center for the Training of Lawyers under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and A.Nazarov – head of Management Department Compliance control systems on combating corruption of the university participated with his reports.

Also, on December 13, the socio-political newspaper “New Uzbekistan” – issue №253 published an article under the title “Training of an honest civil servant is the greatest contribution of higher education without corruption to development.”

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02.08.2023, 11:14 979