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Mustafayeva Samida Mustafaeva Samida
Scientific degree and rank: Doctor of philological Sciences, Associate Professor
Position: Director of high school
Reception time: Every day (14:00-16:00)
Tel.: +99897 732-02-86


The High School of translation, linguistics and international journalism has 21 faculty members in the academic year 2024-2025. Of these, 7 are doctors of Sciences (6 professors, 1 associate professor), 4 candidates of Sciences (1 professor, 3 associate professors), 5 PhD (3 associate professors, 2 senior teachers), 1 culture worker, associate professor, 1 teacher and 3 trainee teachers who served in Uzbekistan. The scientific potential of the Higher School is 70%. The Higher School has educational areas 60230200 – “theory and practice of translation” (on Oriental Languages), 60320100 – “Journalism: International Journalism” (on Oriental Languages), 61010500 – “guide companion and interpretive activities” (on Oriental Languages) and 70230201 – “comparative linguistics, linguistic interpreting” (on Oriental Languages), 70230202 – “synchronous translation” (on Oriental Languages). The Higher School teaches arabic, persian, turkish, hindi, urdu, dariya, chinese, japanese, korean, indonesian, malay. High school students are recipients of a number of international and non-title State scholarships. In particular, the Zulfiya State Prize, the Navoi state scholarship, the Ogahi rector scholarship, a scholarship allocated by the Japanese organization Mitsubishi Corporation were being won. Our students showed high performance in Central Asia in the competition for Japanese, Chinese oratory. At the same time, China, India, Japan, Turkey, Arab states, Indonesia to study undergraduate, graduate and language courses continue to acquire knowledge abroad by winning educational grants. Students, undergraduates and researchers are also pursuing long and short-term internships in foreign countries.

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High School of translation, linguistics and international journalism scientific work of its researchers

Reachers Research work topic Scientific F.I.Sh
1 Askarova Shaxnoza Kamoliddinovna Linguistic features of the English translation of the Alpomish epic f.f.d., prof. D.S.Qulmamatov
2 Abdullayeva Nozima Anvarxonovna Semantic and functional study of health-related proverbs in Uzbek, English and Arabic f.f.d.,prof,Q.Sh.Omonov
3 Ashurova Sitora Erkinovna Lexicographic interpretation of horticultural terms in English and Uzbek f.f.d., prof. L.R.Raupova
4 Fatxutdinova Iroda Atxamovna Equivalence degrees in prose translation from Hindi to Uzbek Phd, dots., N.B.Xodjayeva
5 Jabborova Zuhra


A.Kadiri’s novel ”O‘tkan kunlar ” was adapted by M. Reese in his translation of “Bygone Days” states that units representing national values are represented in translation F.f.d., prof. v.b. S.A.Hashimova
6 Jumaboyev Oybek Sheraliyevich Time factor in Uzbek-Turkish synchronous translation combination DSc., prof. X.X.Hamidov
7 Kudratov Azamat Asrorovich The use of synchronous translation strategies in the political and commercial spheres is based on the example of Arabic Uzbek combinations f.f.d., prof. Sh.G.Shomusarov
8 Nazrullayeva Gulnoza Karimbek qizi Issues of the re-creation of character speech in artistic translation (on the example of translations from Hindi) DSc., prof. v.b. X.X.Hamidov
9 Rasulova Kamola Patxilayevna Reflection of the art of Oybek’s works in Turkish translations DSc., prof. X.X.Hamidov
10 Safarova Iroda Yorqul qizi Comparative study of the translation of legal terms in Chinese and Uzbek discourse F.f.d., prof. v.b. S.A.Hashimova
11 Saidov Umidbek Shavkat o‘g‘li Interpretation of nationalism and artistry in the Japanese translation in the novel “Yulduzli tunlar” by Pirimkul Kadyrov F.f.n., dotsent R.X.Sharipov
12 Saydiganiyeva Saida Saydinosirovna Orthological study of translations of Chinese-language artistic texts in Uzbek and Russian PhD, dotsent


13 Xamidova Vazira Saloxitdin qizi Linguistic study of calculation words in Persian and Uzbek languages DSc, dotsent D.R.Axmedova
14 Shamsiddinova  Sitora  Badriddinovna Concept of life and death in the epic of Gilgamish F.f.d., prof. G. Murodov
15 Shodmonova Dilfuza Akmalovna Issues of re-creation of the art of the works of Yashar Kamal in translation DSc., prof. X.X.Hamidov

Partner organizations of high school

  • Uzbekistan State University of world languages
  • International tourism University “Ipak yo‘li”
  • National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek
  • Uzbekistan University of journalism and Mass Communications
  • Lal Bahadur Shastri Indian Cultural Centre
  • TV channel “Dunyo bo‘ylab” DUK
  • National Broadcasting Corporation of Uzbekistan
  • Uzbekistan-24 TV channel
  • Union of Writers of Uzbekistan
  • “Tong yulduzi” magazine
  • Muhammad Yusuf public Foundation Golden Pen newspaper
  • Yunusabad academic Lyceum of foreign languages under TSUOS
  • AS of the Republic Uzbekistan Institute of Uzbek language, literature and folklore
  • Uzbek-Indian Tourism Development Association
  • Centre for Islamic civilization in Uzbekistan
  • Tashkent Islamic Institute
  • Alisher Navoi University of Uzbek language and literature
  • Tashkent Islamic Institute named after Imam Bukhari
  • Office of the TRT Organization of the Republic of Turkey in Uzbekistan
  • TIKA international organization.

Photo albums on the activities of the High School

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