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\ Mukhiddinova Dilafruz
Scientific degree and title: Doctor of philology
Position: Head of the chair
Reception hour: Daily  (14:00-16:00)
Tel.: +998 99 829-11-80

Department of “Literature of East Countries and Comparative Literary Studies”

The Department was founded in 1965 as part of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of Tashkent State University under the name “Literature of Foreign Countries of the East”. In 1991, the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies was established on the basis of the Oriental faculty; this Вepartment conducts its activities at the faculty of oriental philology.

In connection with the granting of university status to the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies, according to the decision of the Academic Council of the University of May 15, 2020, the department was renamed the “Eastern Countries Literature and Comparative Literary Studies”.

Until now, the Department was headed by the winner of the Firdavsi International Prize, Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philology, Professor Sh. Shomukhamedov (1965-1985), candidate of philological sciences, associate professor M.N. Tashkuzieva (1985-1996), candidate of philological sciences, associate professor M.Kh. Akbarova (1997-2004), doctor of philological sciences R. Inomokjaev (2004-2005), doctor of philological sciences B. Nazarov (2005-2008), doctor of philological sciences Associate Professor U. Mukhibova (2008 – 2018), since January 2018 Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor D.Z. Mukhiddinova.

Research projects of the department

  • Joint research work (carrying out research on the topics of graduate school, MD, PhD, DSc )
  • Preparation of research projects
  • Preparation of materials for analysis

Partner organizations of the department

  • Museum of Literature at the University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navai
  • Union of Writers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
  • Jamia Millia University, India.
  • Hoji Bayram Vali University Ankara, Turkey.
  • Ankara University, Turkey.
  • Gazi Universitety, Turkey.
  • Institute of Asian and African countries. Russia

Photo reports on the activities of the department

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