Associate professor of TDSHU, Urdu scholar Muhayya Abdurakhmanova was awarded the “Tamga-e-imtiyaz” award by the government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

As we previously reported, the associate professor of TDSHU, Urdu scholar, Muhayyo Abdurahmonova, for his incomparable services aimed at strengthening cooperation relations between Uzbekistan and Pakistan, as well as the field of oriental studies, including the development of the Urdu language in Uzbekistan he was awarded the “Tamga-e Imtiyaz” award by the government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on the event of the “Pakistan Day” holiday on March 23.
On May 7, 2024, the ceremony of presenting the award to M. Abdurahmanova was held at the Embassy of the Republic of Pakistan in Uzbekistan.
Representatives of the university led by the Rector of TSUOS G.Rixsiyeva and industry experts participated in the event.